Contact us“The powerful way to get qualified leads”
Your best partner
MediaXel, with JDA journal de l'architecte & AK Architectenkrant, offers you efficient solutions for effective and profitable communication towards active Belgian, French and Dutch architects.
Leader in its market since 1996, MediaXel with the JDA Journal de l'architecte & AK Architectenkrant, is your best partner for the growth of your turnover.
Newest models
are sent each week to more than :
- 6.800 active Belgian architects (FR),
- 8.400 active Belgian architects (NL),
- 16.000 active French architects ,
- 5.000 active Dutch architects .
Open rates
The bi-weekly digital newsletter of the JDA Journal de l'Architecte & AK Architectenkrant has one of the highest open rates in its category.
Qualified leads
The best guarantee for its partners of a high readership rate, which is a prerequisite for a significant number of qualified leads.
Detailed statistics
For each publication, detailed statistics are provided for an accurate evaluation of the results, allowing our partners a precise control of their ROI.

According to Google Analytics, the websites :
- et
have had over 221.000 sessions and over 500.000 pages vues.
visit our websitese-Archicards
Four times a year, the digital e-ARCHICARDS is sent by e-mail to more than 10,000 nominative addresses of active Belgian, French and Dutch architects.
Promoted twice a month in the JDA Journal de l'Architecte newsletter, the e-ARCHICARDS, with its link to our partners' websites, is available at any time on the JDA websites and benefits from a continuous promotion for 3 months!
For our partners :
More visibility among active Belgian, French and Dutch architects
More visitors to their websites
More requests for information.